Download Multi Card Keno

First off I’ll have you know that NO online casino will allow you to download Multi Card Keno plain and simple it doesn’t matter what operating system you are using be it Windows or Mac there is no download available anywhere.
And honestly there is only one place on the entire internet where you can enjoy Multi-Card Keno and that’s at the wonderfully done WinADay Casino which is an amazing flash casino.
At WINADAY they are a browser based online casino (browser based means it runs by using your web surfing browser or the program you are using right now to read this i.e. Internet Explorer, Safari etc.) and they have a browser based version of Multi Card Keno called Power Keno that’s really quite amazing.
You can play using any browser you have be it: Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera or whatever you are using for the internet WINADAY will work from every browser there is available.
All you need to enjoy this casino and the awesome Power Keno game is latest version of Adobe Flash Player and you are off to the races. The software that they use at WINADAY is GREAT and it’s completely safe to use. This game runs so fast and so smoothly its surprising that it runs so well while not having to be downloaded. There is nothing I can say negative about Power Keno, as a long time Keno player I was becoming bored with the single card game play and was so excited to hear of WINADAY launching a Multi Card Version of my favorite game.
I’ll admit at first I was a little worried about it I didn’t think that anybody would be able to pull something so significant off without ruining one of the oldest and greatest games ever invented but boy oh boy was I ever wrong not only did they pull it off they blew my expectations completely away and they changed the history of Keno as we know it and in my opinion not only changed the game but made it so much better than the original.
But that’s not to say that there isn’t ways for Multi Card Keno to be enjoyed away from your computer. Players can download many different versions of Multi Card Keno to their smart phones. There are games available to download for all phone types including IPhone, Blackberry, Android or whatever phone you are currently using.
There are so many options when it comes to Multi Card Keno Apps which you can download and each has their own pros and cons and it’s entirely up to the specific player as to which game will suit them and the Keno needs best and with so many options there is a version out there for everybody and anybody. And honestly what’s better than waiting in the doctor’s office, at you mechanics or while your wife shops then pulling out your phone and playing Multi Card keno no matter where you are. It’s a great way to kill some time plus it’s a great way to practice and work on your strategy so when you come home you have a new method to try out so you can win some big bucks!
So to summarize you CANT download Multi Card keno to you home computer but you CAN download many different versions to your smartphone so while at home enjoy WinADay Casino and their download free POWER KENO version of Multi Card Keno and for people who want to play on the go then visit your App Store and search for a Multi Card keno game that works for you.

"WinADay Casino is the home of "Power Keno', the most populer online casino game with 7 Cards of Keno at once!"