Progressive Jackpot Keno Online

Progressive Jackpots are such an amazing thing I mean just think about it you are playing a game of keno like you normally would only to win a life changing amount of money. Know I, or no one I know for that matter, have ever been fortunate enough to win such a thing but it happens all the time and it’s always worth giving it a shot and it really is what gambling is all about.
We have all been there win some money, lose some money, win some more money, lose some more money and that goes for any game not just Keno it’s just the way things work. But while we are going through the paces of gambling that HUGE win is always at the back of our minds and let’s be honest that’s why we gamble in the first place. Don’t get me wrong winning any amount money is better than not winning at all but wouldn’t it just be amazing to actually hit a progressive jackpot.
Now I realize it’s only a dream but the possibility DOES exist and it’s hard to forget about it because online casinos are sure to remind you about it by constantly showing you the number as it steadily climbs up and up and up more still. And it’s not just some money it’s a stupid amount of money and just thinking about it is sure to give you butterflies in your stomach I know it does to me. And that’s what makes Keno such a great game as it gives its players an opportunity to win some CRAZY money as long as you know where to look and once you find that casino that offers a progressive keno jackpot that works best for you you’ll want to play there all the time.
Titan Casino (Doesn't accept Americans; play Power Keno at WinADay instead.), Loco Panda Casino (Now Closed: Try Power Keno at WinADay instead) and WinADay Casino are just a few that have progressive jackpots available it’s just up to you as to which one you are going to play at. The progressive keno jackpot pays out pretty much the same as all other keno games just with one huge difference: you pick 10 numbers and you catch those 10 numbers you win the WHOLE GOD DAMN PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT!!
And most casinos have smaller jackpots available to be won besides the grand slam progressive jackpot just a portion of it. For example, if you pick 9 numbers and match all 9 of those numbers you would win 25% of the progressive jack pot. Or if you were to pick 8 numbers and match all 8 numbers then you would win 10% of the progressive jackpot. Now these aren’t the huge dollar amount you see at the top of the screen but it is still a large sum of money but these are still a considerable amount of money. Even if you were to match 8 numbers for 10% of the jackpot and let’s say the jackpot is a low $100.000 (ok I know that’s not a low number but please humor me) that’s still $10.000. Considering it doesn’t cost a lot to have a chance at such a life changing amount of money, it would be downright stupid not to give it a shot.
So now it’s up to you to find out which casino works best for you and which offers you the best chance at winning the Progressive jackpot or at least a good portion of it. The risk is defiantly worth the reward here and after you win the jackpot just think, not only can you brag to all your friends but you can also rub it in my face as well. Just don’t forget to buy my a beer or twelve for pointing you in the right direction.
Personally we’d recommend WinADay Casino as they are known as the “jackpot king”.

"WinADay Casino is the home of "Power Keno', the most populer online casino game with 7 Cards of Keno at once!"