Keno Etiquette

Keno Etiquette
While you are sitting at your home computer playing Online Keno you don’t need to worry about Keno Etiquette. I mean if you were to show up to a real Casino in your underwear then there would be a problem but Online you can wear your lucky underwear and only that if you feel like it. But at a real Casino there are some things you should know before you start playing that will not only have you looking like a veteran of the game but also save you any embarrassment that may come from lack of knowledge.
Keno is a game that you play by yourself but the way you play and handle yourself in the Keno Lounge will and does have a huge effect on other people enjoyment while playing the game. In this article we will go over all of the things you need to know before venturing out to a Casino to play Keno.
This is the most important rule when it comes to playing Keno at a real Casino. The people who are in the Keno lounge you are at have all come accustomed to a certain way that players should act while playing. So you should respect this. Its like fight club just slightly less violent. The first rule of Keno Etiquette is to be quiet. This means no saying to your friend “Hey man only 3 more numbers and I’m in the money” just play as though you we’re attending a funeral. People will like to mark off their numbers as they are called out. The numbers are called out quite quickly so people would hate to miss out on hearing one. Although all players will have their tickets checked after the game they still like to mark their numbers as they are called.
Be Prepared
Well you are well on your way to being prepared as you are reading this article but a there are a few things you should doing upon entering the Keno Lounge. Your first action should be to grab a Keno booklet which will be available as soon as you enter. If you don’t see one ask they area available at every Casino. The reason for this booklet is so that any and all questions you will have will be in your hands. This way you won’t have to spend to much time at the ticket counter wasting both the cashiers time and yours and annoying the other players waiting in line.
Next grab your self a marker / dauber which you will use to manual mark each number that you have matched . Again these are available and provided by all casinos if you can’t find one just ask.
Although the time between games can take a long time the actual game of Keno goes by very fast. So make sure you are focused and ready when the numbers begin to be called out. Just be ready to concentrate so avoid any distractions and just focus so you can see and hear all the numbers.
Some tickets have expiration dates on them and they are usual listed on the back of the card. Be sure to check this out as some Casinos ill have the ticket expire as soon as the next game begins and if you haven’t cashed the ticket in then you will lose all of your winnings. So check your tickets.
Have Fun
But not to much fun. It isn’t a great idea to drink heavily while playing. The Keno lounge is there for players to relax in while waiting for the next game to start. Yes free booze is great but not only will being drunk hurt your chances, it will also annoy all the other players. So enjoy your favourite drink but do so in moderation. There are plenty of other games where you can let loose at but Keno isn’t one of them.
Also in the lounge if you aren’t playing Keno then its best to leave the lounge. Its not a place for you to rest your legs or even have a nap. This way others players can come in and play some Keno if you are finished
Some Casinos allow players to leave the lounge. This way players can go grab a bite to eat or use other areas of the Casino while playing. These Casinos will also have people walking around yelling “Keno” these people are called Keno Runners. They can sell you tickets, carry your bets to the ticket counter and bring you a receipt. As with any other game in the Casino, tipping is entirely up to you but it is appreciated as this is these peoples jobs. So if you are sitting a ways away from the ticket booth then a tip is worth it.
That’s really all there is to know about Keno Etiquette. Once you are there another good idea is to follow the lead of other players. If you see people sitting quietly then you should follow suit. Keno is a blast to play and it is very easy to fit in with the crowd as most of the things I have mentioned all boil down to common sense. So go, have fun a win some money!!

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