Keno Xperiment

What is Keno Xperiment:
Keno Xperiment is a version of Keno that you will LOVE. It looks as though it takes place in some sort of futuristic laboratory complete with monitors and test tubes. It looks awesome sounds great and is very easy to play. And don’t be alarmed that if when you first open it you find it looks confusing it’s not it’s the opposite actually it’s SO incredibly easy to pick up and enjoy. Once you have selected your numbers and press play the numbers will begin to pop up on the game board at random and catch enough numbers and you win!
Where to Play Keno Xperiment:
Titan Casino (Doesn't accept Americans; play Power Keno at WinADay instead.) offers this awesome version of Keno. Once you have registered at Titan click the tab along the top of the screen titled “download” run the prompt that shows up afterwards and follow the steps that come up after it has ran like filling out your info etc. After which you will have an icon on your desktop. Open the Titan icon and it ask you if you want to play for free or for money then it will bring you to a list of their games. Along the left of the screen is an “Arcade Game” tab choosing it open up the arcade games list then along the left side of the screen is a tab “Keno & Numbers” which opens those games and then you choose Keno Xperiment
Here is a screenshot of Keno Xperiment:
Keno Xperiment Features:
Keno Xperiment has all the same features found in most versions of Keno you will find but with a few extra options which really help improve the overall gameplay but first the standard features:
-Simple to play: Just click on the numbers you wish to play, from 2 numbers up to ten numbers, on the board of numbers 1-80 and then press play
-Play Once: Play only one hand with you selected numbers
-Play Five: Play five games continuously one after the other with the same selected numbers
-Clear: If you want to select new numbers just press clear and it resets the board quickly
Now for the unique features:
-Random Pick: Randomly selects your numbers for you
-Random Pick Number Count: By choosing a number between 2 – 10 located directly to the left of Random Pick it will determine how many numbers are randomly chosen for you
-Pick New Numbers For Each Round: By selecting this option if you were to play five games it would choose different numbers for you for each game
Keno Xperiment Rules:
The rules for Keno Xperiment are the normal rules that apply to all keno games. Choose you numbers, a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 10, by clicking the numbers directly on the game board. When ready press play one for one game or play five for five continuous games. If you’re not sure which numbers to pick then choose Random Pick and once the numbers appear on the board you win accordingly. The screen lay out is as follows: in the center of the screen is the game board where you select your numbers and where the random winning numbers pop up. In the bottom left of the screen, under the test tube looking thing is the wager amount: -$0.25, $0.50, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00. in the top left of the screen is the payout table showing you how much you will win depending on how many numbers you have chosen. Below the payout table it shows you your current wager. Under your wager screen is a round hit breakdown showing you how many numbers you caught and what they paid you for each. And finally under the round hits screen is the winning amount screen which shows you how much you have one for the previous game.
Keno Xperiment Review:
Keno Xperiment is a great game just like any other version of online Keno just this version has the awesome random pick features I mentioned above which make it unique and that much more playable. This game might be a bit too much for rookies to the game but in the end I believe everyone will truly enjoy it. Be sure to give it a try at Titan Casino (Doesn't accept Americans; play Power Keno at WinADay instead.)

"WinADay Casino is the home of "Power Keno', the most populer online casino game with 7 Cards of Keno at once!"